The Choices We Have To Make
So much in our lives is out of our control. The only control we have is how we react. But, there is another factor to consider, choice. We have the choice to react positively or negatively to a situation or just do nothing; that is, not be proactive. Dr. Edith Eva Eger wrote a memoir entitled, The Choice, Embrace the Possible. She chose to survive the horrors she went through during the Holocaust by recalling the positives in her past life before her living nightmare began. She became a psychotherapist after the war. Throughout her memoir she reinforces her premise that people respond to suffering differently, that the past can’t be changed, but the present can be a time to find our unique purpose and strength. This brought to mind a lovely woman I met that had a traumatic experience with a man and decided to no longer date even though one of her life dreams was to marry and bear children. She made the choice to consider she wasn’t worthy of the fulfillment of her dream. She lost the connection with herself. When we encounter any type of loss or denigration of who we are it is important to get in touch with one’s authentic self and find one’s inner strength to move forward. Particularly when dating, when interacting with personalities that we cannot control it is important to stay focused on one’s self worth and “embrace the possible” as Dr. Eger espouses. When I became a widow over time I realized I had to move forward with my life. I began dating and ultimately after experiencing a plethora of dating encounters realized I had to recognize my self-worth and remain strong. I then felt empowered. After sharing my experiences and hearing stories dating stories from friends and colleagues the novel, The Unexpected Connection, and the play, Keep Walking, resulted. It is my hope the this message helps others when facing life’s challenges.